Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Car shoppe

Hi friends, I was just browsing through the internet when I stumbled upon a site related to CAR REVIEWS.. It was so cool to know about Car Reviews.Hubby and I debate over whether to get a condo or a car. We just did this to gather information. We still don’t have enough money or savings to fund any of those two. I guess we are just playing who gets the better answer.I am in the side of condo and he is on car. Ideas continually flowed and tempers are even rising. We will surely end up fighting if no one gives up. Both of us made our point, so no one wins. Ego is our only enemy here.Who will surrender first? That is definitely me. I don’t want to end up fighting with him for things that may not even happen in the next couple of months. I did surrender to let him win. But that doesn’t mean I am wrong. I just do what I have to do.The car thing goes up to his head easily and started to look for car reviews. He is now showing me models and different reviews of that model. I know that he always wants to buy a car. But this is not the right time for that.As his partner, I always support him in everything he does. If that means reading Car Reviews, then I will. I sound like I am very submissive, not totally of course. Reading CAR REVIEWS is also a good way to learn what others have to say on a particular car. It will give bird’s eye view on whether or not to choose that car. Who knows we will be able to buy our dream car. Thus, it is very useful for all kinds of buyers.For now he needs to get back to his reality. I should distract his attention from continually reading those. I don’t want to hear him saying again that we are in need of car. Frankly, we can still do without it. But if he remains quite, then I will let him continue what he likes doing. Just visit this site to know more about car reviews.

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