Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Miele Vacuum cleaners

Hi friends I came through a product called Miele Vacuum cleaner.Thousands of products are released every year and the manufacturer has to spend a hefty amount to make the product recognizable to customers like us.Wize.com is a unique website which provides a review of thousands of products by collecting a comprehensive information from everybody who have purchased this product online.

Miele vacuum cleaners are essential to keep our place clean and free from dirt.There are various types of Vacuum cleaners from miele and the price of various products are also given.Each of the Miele vacuum cleaner products have their own specality and application and hence the difference in prices.

If you are to buy a vacuum cleaner you can just visit this website and choose which one suits yours and your family's needs.

1 comment:

ConsumerReporter said...

Through a particulate analysis on YouTube, it really shows how well the Miele vacuum works and truly traps the dust. My findings prove that the Miele Vacuum is completely sealed and really is HEPA.


You can see from this video that the Miele will trap all of the particles in a cloth like bag that self seals on its way out and you are actually purifying the air in your house by vacuuming! The filtration is 99.95% effective at 0.3 microns which is amazing. Thanks to its HEPA filter and super intensive clean bags the vacuum is able to achieve this kind of filtration.
I bought my Miele Vacuum from KillDirt for only $699 with free shipping and no tax (because I do not live in New Jersey). They were wonderful to deal with and they made my shopping experience a pleasant one.

Also check-out my blog called "Consumer Reporter," - a vehicle to educate consumers about the vacuum and air purification market.

